Lose weight fast with pleasure and no suffering and no hunger. Get much healthier and become better looking and stronger.

The Hanford Report

The Best Products and Deals

by Jane Hanford 

Do you want to get much healthier and become better looking and stronger?



Do you want to lose weight fast with pleasure and with no suffering and no hunger?

BioTech Research® developed the TOTAL35™ formula to provide these benefits to movie stars and professional athletes. It is now available to the public.

Research by UCLA and BioTech Research® found that you need 35 essential nutrients for good health. 

Most Americans only get very few essential nutrients and in low quantity because of farm soil depletion and processed foods.

This causes health problems and constant hunger and food cravings.

Most Americans take only one vitamin and mineral pill a day. This research found people need to take 40 vitamin and mineral pills a day to get all essential vitamins and minerals plus protein and collagen supplements for optimal good health.

You can get the TOTAL35® formula in delicious TOTAL35® Superfood Shakes. They have all the nutrients of 40 vitamin and mineral pills and protein and collagen. 

All other supplements and meal replacement shakes do not come close to providing all 35 essential nutrients.

The TOTAL35® shakes and cookies provide all 35 essential nutrients including the highest quality protein, vitamins and minerals in optimum quantity.

The TOTAL35® formula supercharges your body with 35 nutrients which stop hunger and food cravings.

I take TOTAL35® shakes and cookies. I am a marathon biker and they give me much more stamina. Also, they made my hair and nails more beautiful.

TOTAL35® formula customers rave about the benefits they and their children get.

“My son Colton was very skinny because he would not eat high nutrition food. Eight weeks ago he started eating TOTAL35 superfood cookies. He has gained 11 pounds of muscle.” Tanya Jones

“I really love these superfood cookies.” Colton Jones

“I lost 10 pounds in only 30 days eating TOTAL35 Superfood Cookies and they are super delicious.” Jake Clapper

TOTAL35 Superfood Shakes are much more expensive to produce than protein shakes. This is because they also have all essential vitamins, minerals and enzymes in large quantity. 

Now you don’t have to take 40 vitamin and mineral pills and protein and collagen supplements to have great health. You can get all essential nutrients by drinking TOTAL35® Shakes.

• To get the TOTAL35® Superfood Shake by phone call 1-800-360-1070

• To get the TOTAL35® Superfood Shake online click here:

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Total35® SuperFood Shake